Logo development generally falls into one of two categories. The formal approach is to explore all of the brand or product qualities, identify characteristics that express the value or desired emotional triggers, and embark on a thorough and often elaborate exploration for the Shangri-La of marks. It's fun and it takes a long time.
The second approach is a lot more common. It starts off with a conversation like this, "Hey, you're a graphic designer? I need a logo for my (event, website, band, cousin's business, etc.)!" These types of projects rarely have any realistic budget and the client has little understanding of how the process works. I sort of like these opportunities because it allows for a more casual, "shoot from the hip" approach.
Such was the case with Green Drinks Tacoma. They wanted a logo and didn't know how to even talk about their needs beyond that. After asking about their organization's mission and attitude I sketched up three options for them to consider. They chose the best one, (thankfully!), and I broke it out into different file formats for them to use.